Friday, June 10, 2011

Transformational massage philosophy

Transformational massage philosophy

Brief Bio: Acie Grimes (Massage Therapist)

Born in Dayton Ohio Acie Grimes II is a certified massage therapist based in Denver Colorado. Coming from a diverse back ground, Acie Grimes has been a minister, Military police officer, Auto Cad drafter, and certified nurse's assistance just to name a few. Upon graduation from massage school in 2005 he worked for himself.

He later went on to develop his own form of massage therapy, which he calls transformational massage. He believes that massage is about the movement of energy, and that many of the pains that attack the body have more to do with the spirit of the person then just the muscles. Through various techniques that he has developed Acie Grimes II has managed to do miraculous things for his client in a very short period of time. He now run a thriving massage practice and is teaching other massage therapist what he does. He also has a private chair massage company call GLOBAL MASSAGE ALLIANCE (GMA).

Acie is committed to changing the way people view massage therapy. He believes that massage is not just for helping people to relax, but that it has genuine healing properties. He sees massage as a preventive agent in the health process. Acie's motto is massage is the solution and his goal is to heal the world one massage at a time.

Transformational massage philosophy

I have developed a type of massage where the mind, body, and soul (MBS) experience relief from past trauma and deep injuries in the MBS.

It involves talking with the client and helping them to understand the inseparable natural law of energy.

The First Law of Thermodynamics says that energy under normal conditions cannot be created or destroyed, simply transformed from one type of energy to another. Thus a chemical reaction such as lighting a match does not create new energy but only converts one type of energy to another. What's happening with the match is that as the match is burnt, potential energy is released and converted to heat and light, kinetic energy. In the cell there are many types of energy transformations: light to chemical (photosynthesis), chemical to chemical (cellular respiration), chemical to electrical (nervous system), chemical to mechanical (muscles). So the first law is of fundamental importance.

Talking with a client during a massage can be quite revealing to both the MT and the client. We know that muscle have memories and in some cases the muscle houses pain and trauma. Listening and talking to a client during a massage, paying attention to what comes out of their mouth, and how they respond before, during, and after you work a muscle deeply, will often reveal the cause of that sore muscle.

Pain is a liar. It often states that it is one place when in actuality, it is someplace else.

A sympathetic (deep) massage can help the body's muscle and body system to jump start - just like a paramedic uses electricity to restart the heart.

We have become accustomed to not confronting our pain. This has several side effects.

1. Sometime we do not take responsibility for what we do to our bodies. Then we are perplexed when it does not operate correctly.

2. At times we try to bypass the law of cause and effect. Meaning, be-cause we do one thing, it affects us in a specific way.

3. We have in part cultivated a society of pain avoidance. We have a health system based on sick care instead of health care.

4. By taking responsibility for our pain, we unconsciously take responsibility for our life.

5. Pain is one of our greatest teachers, because it teaches us what not to do.

6. In some cases our true freedom is on the other side of pain.

7. At times the body systems need to be serviced, just like a fine machine needs to be recharged or have its oil changed when viscosity levels are low.

8. A truer description of the body would be that it is an energy biosphere.

9. Massaging is about the art of moving energy. Physics states that under normal conditions energy can never be lost or destroyed; it can only be transferred from one thing to another. There is no good or bad energy, energy is just energy. It is what we do or don't do with that energy that produces various effects. The same energy that powers our alarm clock is the energy that can electrocute us.

10. There are healing properties in both the sympathetic and para-sympathetic massage. We all know that a parasympathetic massage can help to relax us in many different ways. In addition there are healing properties that go along with a sympathetic or deep massage. During a deep massage our senses are heightened. Our vision, hearing, smelling, touch, and taste all increase greatly when we are in a sympathetic state.

11. A deep massage to me is more about the movement of energy as opposed to the treatment of muscles. I see muscle tightness as a type of resistance to the natural flow of energy in our bodies. By viewing massaging as a means to help increase the flow of the inner body natural energy, one can thereby set one’s intentions to either reduce, redirect or eliminate blockages in the body.

12. On a quantum physical level we know that thought forms the basis of all that we see and know. It is no different with massaging. By slightly changing our intentions, we can greatly change our results.

13. Our views on what pain is, is slightly distorted. We typically view pain as all bad. Athletes know there is good pain out there that can help them. They often say, "no pain no gain." Pain can represent a threshold to be crossed. Pain can also represent that 1 to 2 percent of endurance that means the difference from 99% verses 100% accomplishment or completion.

14. We have become a culture of drug takers. The fight against drugs has now inundated our culture. It is clear to see that we are losing this war. This fight is no longer just the so-called recreation drug, it is also those drugs that are made and promoted by big pharmaceutical companies.

15. It is time for a paradigm shift in how we view our health. It is not the primary responsibility of our doctors to watch over our health. That responsibility has been and will always be ours alone.

16. Prevention is the cornerstone to a true health based personal system. We prevent things from happening by planning ahead instead of responding afterward. Massage should be a cornerstone of that health based personal system. Other aspects of maintaining our health should include proper eating, exercising, changing how we think about our body etc.


I have experienced Acie's theraputic massage therapy and am completely convinced that with this alternative method of increasing blood flow by moving blockages and focusing on where the pain originates have caused my pains in certain areas of my body to subside.

Comment By: Sinata

Date: June 3, 2009

City: Aurora

State: CO

Due to bad disks in my neck I had loss of circulation and intense pain throughout my body. The Dr's wanted to put a rod in my neck from C1-C7 which would mean a total loss of movement. After trying once a month with Acie for a couple of months I realized that it was was like starting from the top each time so I tried every 2 wks. I was making progress and did not have the migrains any longer but I was not moving forward as fas as I wanted to in the healing so I went to once a week. Seeing Acie once a week was the best thing I could of done. It has kept me off of all pain medications, I have circulation in my fingers and toes now and I do not feel that I need surgery anytime soon. I am a firm beliver that because of Acie's massage therapy I have gained back my life.

Comment By: Beth

Date: June 3, 2009

City: Littleton

State: CO

What a fantastic mindset, testimonials and information you've shared, Acie. Wow! I will send this link to Terry Cook, the guy from Dayton who has been forwarded the gift certificate.

Comment By: Debi Carter-Ford

Date: June 4, 2009

City: Denver

State: CO

Good information Acie. It is refreshing to see someone like you who is giving movement and growth to their profession and career. Keep up the good work.

Comment By: Garland Thurman

Date: June 7, 2009

City: Lone Tree

State: CO

Acie, I'm so very proud of you and I look forward to experiencing the theraputic massage therapy. your cousin Peggy

Comment By: Peggy Craft

Date: June 16, 2009

City: Dayton

State: OH

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